The issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) has become a topic of discussion on social media. This is because, on May 17, the British Embassy in Jakarta raised the rainbow flag, to commemorate Anti-Homophobia Day.
Religious and community leaders were concerned about the incident, and considered the British Embassy insensitive to the religion and culture of the Indonesian people.
Concern also came from the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute DPP, KH Chriswanto. According to him, the divine religion, especially Islam, prohibits the practice of LGBT.
“The Qur’an explains clearly and even repeated the story, not only in one letter but several letters. This means that Islam strictly prohibits the practice of LGBT,” he said, in his statement on Thursday (May 26).
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Kiai Chriswanto called the people of Prophet Lut who practice LGBT, referred to in the Quran as transgressors or wicked. With that said, for those who believe in the Day of Judgment, those who practice LGBT receive the consequences for their actions.
“The people of Prophet Lut experienced a painful torment in the form of throwing hot stones, and the ground where they stood behind Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala, was like a big disaster,” he explained.
Kiai Chriswanto reminded, warnings to LGBT adherents or those who like to commit adultery are clear, with diseases that attack the genitals.
“Various venereal diseases, one of which is HIV/AIDS which is the most difficult to cure. All of these are signs that deviations from Allah’s orders have social and personal consequences,” he added.
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In his view, LGBT is an individual right, but individual freedom which is contrary to religion and cultural norms is inappropriate. “It is a lust that must be avoided, because the risk is great,” he said.
According to him, LGBT adherents can also damage the mental nation of future generations. “You can imagine, homosexuals who mostly adopt children, are they not aware of the mental burden the child bears,” he said.
In his view, when children understand that parents are father and mother, suddenly find their parents are all male or all female, “This can damage the psyche and morale of future generations,” he said.
He appealed to LGBT adherents to return to Allah’s command not to commit sexual perversions.
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“LGBT by the Ministry of Health is categorized as mental illness, which is not caused by biological factors, let alone destiny. There must be an incident that makes someone deviate from their sexual orientation,” he said. So, the chance to be healed had a great chance. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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