Israeli Minister Calls Gaza’s Ceasefire “Shameful” for Israel

Israeli Minister of Education Naftali Bennett. (Photo: Tomer Neuberg / Flash90)

Jerusalem, MINA – Amid reports of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip late Monday, Israeli Education Minister, Naftali Bennett warned that Ceasefire would be “embarrassing” for Israel and would push more rockets fired from Gaza.

His statement came after Hamas group which ruled Gaza said it had accepted a ceasefire agreement with Israel that brokered by Egypt.

However, hours after the announcement, Israeli air strikes continued, as did the rocket launch from Gaza, the Times of Israel reported.

Bennett said that he would do everything he could to stop the “shame” from happening.

“The destruction of other empty buildings is increasingly weakening Israel’s prevention and will bring more rockets to us,” he said, referring to Israel’s efforts to avoid death in retaliation and prevent escalation.

There was no immediate confirmation or comment from Israeli officials about the reported ceasefire coming into force at 10 pm local time. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)