Photo : Ma'an News Agency
Israeli forces uprooted 300 olive trees on private Palestinian land in the Nablus village of Salem on Monday. (Photo : Ma’an)

Nablus, 19 Jumadil Awwal 1436/10 March 2015 (MINA) –  Israeli forces uprooted 300 olive trees on private Palestinian land in the Nablus village of Salem on Monday, Palestinian liaison officials said.

Director of the Nablus District Civil Liaison Office Luay al-Saadi told Ma’an that Israeli bulldozers uprooted the trees 48 hours after his office requested that Palestinian farmers be given access to plow the land.

The fields are located near the illegal Israeli outpost of Havat Skali,Ma’an News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

There were at least 329 incidents of settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in 2014, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

More than 500,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, in contravention of international law.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank. (T/P010/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)