Photo: Ma'an News Agency
Photo: Ma’an News Agency

Ramalah, 13 Rajab 1436/2 May 2015 (MINA) – Three Palestinian teenagers were shot and injured with live rounds on Friday when Israeli forces opened fire on them during clashes in al-Jalazun refugee camp north of Ramallah.

They were taken to hospital for treatment with light to moderate injuries.

Several others were injured with rubber-coated steel bullets, Maan News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Al-Jalazun camp is the site of frequent clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian youths.

In April, Israeli forces injured 12 Palestinian youths in the camp, three with live fire and a further nine with rubber-coated steel bullets.

Two weeks before that, thousands of Palestinians attended the funeral in al-Jalazun of a young man who succumbed to his wounds after being shot by Israeli forces during a protest near Ramallah.

At the time, the head of a popular committee in the refugee camp, Mahmoud Mubarak, said that the camp was being “systematically and unnaturally” attacked by Israel, and that there were nearly daily clashes and injuries taking place. (T/P010/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)