Islamic Jihad Condemns Normalization Talks with Israel

Gaza, MINA – The head Islamic Jihad Ziad Al-Nakhala in his statements condemned the efforts by Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel

“They who rush towards normalization with Zionist projects must know and indeed they know that this is their knowledgment that Palestine is not ours and Jerusalem with ITS mosques is not ours,” said Al-Nakhala as quoted from Middle East Monitor on Saturday.

Ziad Al-Nakhaka, who is wanted by Israel said this in a video address broadcast to demonstrators in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and Syria marking 36th anniversary of the founding of the movement.

Armed and masked militants attended the really in Gaza with military uniform. Organizer also put up two large flags of Israel and United States for the demonstrators to step on when they arrived in the open field.

Islamic Jihad Palestine has repeatedly war against the Israeli military in recents years and always rejected any political compromise. The group is headquartered in Gaza and also has overseas headquarters center in Beirut dan Damascuss.

The United States President Joe Biden encouraged Saudi Arabia and Israel to seek normalization. Any agreement is seen as far from being achieved and the status of Palestine is one of the main issues to be decided.

Al-Nakhala said Islamic Jihad remains opposed not only to the normalization of relations with Israel, but also the entire peace process that began with the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt in 1978.

“We emphasize that our resistance continues and the Islamic Jihad movement, which was born from the spirit of Islam, is still on track. It has not compromised and will not give in to delusions,” he said. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)