Indonesian Volunteer in Gaza: Israel Force Palestinians in North to Evacuate

Gaza, MINA – Indonesian Volunteer from MER-C in the Gaza Strip, Fikri Rofiul Haq informed that the current situation in the Gaza Strip is very tense, the Israeli occupation continues to attack Gaza and spread orders for all residents in the North to immediately evacuate to the South.

Fikri invited all citizens of the world to continue to care about Palestine, not stop donating, and not get tired of continuing to boycott all products affiliated with the Israeli occupation.

“Don’t get tired, continue to help Palestine, boycott Israel, and continue to donate to our brothers and sisters in Gaza,” said Fikri in a written message via WhatsApp channel received by the MINA Editorial Team on Sunday afternoon.

“The scary situation, the frightening war is still happening until now, Saturday afternoon Israel restarted military operations in North Gaza. Currently, we are not free to move. This morning Israel distributed leaflets for all Gazans to evacuate to the South,” he said.

Fikri reported that until Sunday afternoon Indonesian time, the Israeli army continued to carry out attacks with fighter jets and tanks on the ground, dozens of Gazans in the north were martyred in the last 24 hours.

He was with a number of MER-C volunteers while continuing to help the people of Gaza distribute aid from the Indonesian people which was distributed through MER-C. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)