Jakarta, MINA – In the midst of fierce competition between West and East, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) calls on the Islamic world not to be used as a proxy.
“We have to be careful not to be used as proxies, pitted against each other by Islamic countries,” said Bunyan Saptomo, Chairman of the MUI Foreign Relations Commission at the Islamic World Discussion and “Reflections for 2023 and Hopes for 2024”, in Jakarta on Wednesday.
In the reflection event, Bunyan said, the Islamic world in 2023 will be marked by sad things, but there are also happy ones.
The sad things that stand out, among others, said Bunyan, are the spread of Islamophobia in various parts of the world and the crime of genocide that occurred in the Gaza Strip, Palestine.
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“The year 2023 will still be marked by high levels of Islamophobia, which can be seen from the continuation of hate speech and discrimination against Muslims throughout the world,” said Bunyan Saptomo, who once served as the Indonesian Ambassador to Bulgaria and Albania and Macedonia.
Even though there is a UN Resolution on Islamophobia, there are still many political leaders in a number of countries who use Islamophobic sentiments to come to power, such as India, Myanmar, France and the Netherlands.
In Palestine itself, Israeli colonialism continues with more and more illegal settlements being built, increasing attacks on the Aqsa Mosque by Jewish extremists and genocide victims in Gaza of which more than 21 thousand were martyred and 50 thousand were injured.
So far, MUI continues to strive to socialize UN resolutions on Islamophobia and Solidarity for Palestine as well as promoting Wasathiyah Islam throughout the world.
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Meanwhile, things that make the Islamic world happy include the existence of a peace agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia after six years of the two countries breaking off diplomatic relations.
However, in 2024, MUI predicts, the Islamic world will continue to face the problems of Islamophobia, Palestine, Rohingya and the impact of competition between West and East.
For this reason, the MUI calls on Muslims throughout the world to be more serious in developing themselves to face the problems that are occurring. (L/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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