Indonesian Ministry of Environment Reminds the Managing of Election Campaign Waste

Ilustration (photo: Detikcom)

Jakarta, MINA – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) reminds the importance of managing waste from activities in the context of the 2024 Election, whether in the form of leaflets, brochures, posters, stickers or installing props such as billboards, banners, and banners.

Director General of Waste and Hazardous Waste Management (PSLB3) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Rosa Vivien Ratnawati, in a statement in Jakarta on Saturday said: “The distribution of campaign materials and props can not only disturb the beauty but also become a source of waste and affect the environment. life, so it is not in line with holding environmentally friendly elections.”

As intended in the General Election Supervisory Agency Regulation Article 2 Number 5 of 2022 concerning Supervision of the Implementation of General Elections.

Therefore, in the context of implementing the 2024 General Election, apart from being carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly, it is also necessary to pay attention to aspects of cleanliness and concern for the environment.

The KLHK warning is contained in the Minister of Environment and Forestry’s Circular Letter Number 3 of 2024 dated January 31 2024, which was signed by the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya and delivered to governors, regents and mayors throughout Indonesia.

In the Circular, the Minister of Environment and Forestry stated that waste arising from election activities as mentioned above is included in the specific waste category based on PP number 27 of 2020, concerning Specific Waste Management and is included in the type of waste that arrives non-periodically.

And it is reaffirmed in Law number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management which states that every person who produces waste arising from activities including campaigns is obliged to carry out waste reduction and handling activities.

In the Circular, collaborative participation of all related parties is required, including the Regional Government, election participants, and other elements involved in the campaign to avoid waste generation due to holding elections.

As well as ensuring that the waste generated can be managed properly and correctly by prioritizing circular economy principles and sustainable waste management. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)