Depok, 4 Sha’ban 1436/22 May 2015 (MINA) – Indonesian Higher School of Islamic Economics of SEBI (STEI SEBI) to hold its final Islamic Economic events called Gebyar Ekonomi Syariah (GES) in Depok Town Square (DETOS) Depok, West Java, on Sunday (24/5).
“The event enlivened by Islamic Economics Education Expo, Indonesia Work Expo and Culture Expo, Traditional Cabaret Drama, Freestyle Basketball, Stand up Comedy, Islamic Economics parade, Short Story and launching of 9th GES book, as well as Traditional Orchestra,” one of the committees Mahda Kurnia Rahmah told Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).
Mahda said the current era of conventional Indonesian economy has shifted towards a creative economy that continues to rely on ideas and creativity.
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Moreover, Mahda continued, Presidential Decree Number 6 on 2009 on the scope of the creative economy among the fields of advertising, architecture, market goods, crafts, fashion, tourism, culinary, photography, and others.
“Opportunity is what we use to carry out a series of these activities,” She said.
According to Her, these activities as an effort to inflame Islamic economics with the theme “Indonesia Work”.
Mahda also said that the activity aims to promote Islamic economics to students and public with Islamic economic grounding in the wider community.
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“This positive Outbreak serve as a facilitator to channel creative ideas and enhance the creativity and productivity of students and the general public through the creative economy,” said Mahda.
The event started March 8, 2015 at the Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta.
The series events are, National Islamic Economics olimpiade (OESN) SMA / SMK, Short Story Contest and Comics Contest; The 9th Gebyar Islamic Economics Expo (GES).
“Also performing Arts and featuring guest stars such as Kandank Jurank talaga, Dik Doan and Meyda Sefira,” said Mahda.
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There is also talk show for public, more particularly for SMEs actors entitled “Be A Great Islamic Entrepreneur” with following speakers: Dr. Adiwarman Anwar Karim, MBA, MAEP (Founder Partner of Karim Business Consulting), Valentino Dinsi, SE, MM, MBA (Founder of Entrepreneur Ta’lim Majlis), Ahmad Ifham Sholihin, S.Psi (Business Consultant, Banking and Islamic Finance) and also invited Mr. Hadad D. Hadad (Chairman of the OJK), West Java Governor, and the Mayor of Depok. (L/P010/R04)
Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)
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