Indonesia Condemns Israel’s Decision to Authorize Illegal Settlements in the West Bank

Jakarta, MINA – The government of Indonesia strongly condemns Israel’s decision to legalize nine Jewish settlements in the West Bank and plans to build 10,000 new houses in the area.

“This decision violates international law and related UN resolutions and fuels tension and instability in the region,” wrote a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its Twitter account on Wednesday.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges the international community to unite to urge Israel to stop these actions and create a two-state solution.

Earlier Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet approved the legalization of nine illegal settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, after Israel’s right-wing National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called for the legalization of 77 settlement outposts.

The decision was taken following two resistance operations which resulted in the deaths of nine Jewish settlers in occupied Jerusalem. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)