Hamdan: French Initiative Contains Vague Ideas

Beirut, 8 Sha’ban 1437/16 May 2016 (MINA) – Hamas believes that the French initiative that aims to restart the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority carried general and vague ideas.

Hamas foreign relations chief Osama Hamdan described PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s acceptance of the French initiative as running behind mirage especially since it was publicly rejected by Israel.

Abbas knows very well that negotiations with Israel is a failed option that has no future in light of the continued Judaization schemes and settlement expansion, he stressed, The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting, Monday (16/5).

The French initiative is not clear yet and has no clear plans, Hamdan elaborated. Abbas’s support for the French initiative is a failed attempt to maintain his legitimacy as a chairman for the PA at the international level after losing it at the local level, according to Hamdan.

France had proposed an initiative for “accelerating progress toward a lasting solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” The initiative recognizes an independent and sovereign Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders.

The French proposal sets an 18-month deadline for a negotiated settlement that establishes a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with required land swaps, and recognizes Jerusalem as the common capital of both states.

France’s plan also suggests holding an international peace conference that would crown the process before it begins.

PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas declared his total support for the proposal, saying that he made contacts with international and Arab leaders to pave the way for holding the peace conference.

On the other hand, Hamas’s foreign relations chief revealed that there is “unpleasant news” about the Doha talks between Hamas and Fatah movements.

“We had agreed upon everything during the two first rounds of talks; however, we were surprised by Fatah’s delay in holding the final meeting which was scheduled to finalize the last arrangements,” Hamdan clarified.(T/P008/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)