Fuel Shortage Threatens Closure of Indonesian Hospital in Gaza

Current condition of the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahiya, Northern Gaza, Palestine. (Photo: MER-C)

Gaza, MINA – Two hospitals in Northern Gaza, Kamal Adwan Hospital and the Indonesian Hospital, have warned they will cease operations within 48 hours due to a fuel shortage on Monday.

Marwan Al-Sultan, Director of the Indonesian Hospital, stated that the ICU is at full capacity, overcrowded with critically ill patients. Additionally, there are 10 patients currently dependent on respiratory support, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

He noted that the operating rooms are functioning 24/7 due to ongoing Israeli bombings, which continue to increase the number of casualties.

Al-Sultan warned that the continued Israeli blockade on fuel supplies would lead to the deaths of many patients and injured Palestinians.

Meanwhile, Kamal Adwan Hospital is experiencing similar issues with severe shortages of fuel and medical supplies.

In a brief statement, they warned that such conditions endanger the lives of many patients and injured individuals. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)