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Fighting Islamophobia

sajadi - Saturday, 2 April 2022 - 21:34 WIB

Saturday, 2 April 2022 - 21:34 WIB


Islamophobia was assessed to have been boosted mostly by three factors, namely, the US elections, Immigrant issue in Europe, and the rise of Populism and Far-Rights in Europe.

By: Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, MA Head of MUI for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation

The United Nations, through its general assembly, has passed an important resolution designating March 15 as the international day against Islamophobia. This idea was put forward by Pakistan on behalf of the OIC.

The Indonesian Ulema Council, on March 30, then held a webinar attended by top figures from Indonesian Islamic organizations, Muslim leaders in the United States (US), Nusantara Foundation President Ustaz Shamsi Ali and representatives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The webinar with the theme “Turn Back Islamophobia: Mainstreaming Moderation to Counter Islamophobia”, in addition to welcoming and appreciating the publication of the UN General Assembly resolution, also seeks to explore thoughts and strengthen the joint commitment of Indonesian Muslims to stand up against Islamophobia which has emerged and developed for quite a long time in many countries.

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The webinar gave birth to a joint statement with MUI-Indonesian Islamic Organizations to fight against Islamophobia. In relation to this resolution and joint statement of MUI, there are several things I would like to convey:

1. The success of the United Nations General Assembly in producing this resolution is an important moment globally that Islamophobia carried out by many interest groups everywhere is a stupidity and a big mistake.

Islamophobes do not merely portray anti-Islam as a religion and Muslims in various forms but Islamophobia also tramples on at least the universal declaration of human rights and thus becomes an enemy of universal humanity; the enemy is all people and nations who are aware and healthy.

Ignorance, mistakes and tyranny that are preserved by any society and country that occur everywhere in this part of the world must be totally corrected because this will only destroy the order of life and eternal peace. Therefore, this resolution of the UN General Assembly, aside from being appreciated, must also be guarded by anyone and any country with common sense.

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2. For all member states of the United Nations, the stipulation of March 15 as the international day against Islamophobia is an important momentum to further strengthen the United Nations to truly become an effective and strong international body, especially in creating world peace.

The facts show that many important resolutions related to life and death are then vetoed because of unilateral interests. A very concrete example is the annexation and genocide carried out by Israel against the Palestinian nation and people which was not carried out in a long time.

The United States veto has really benefited Israel and the two state solution is invalid. A new perspective must be developed and strengthened so that all member states of the United Nations, including big countries such as America, are really highly committed to carrying out the mandate contained in the “universal declaration of human rights”. In this way, it is hoped that the world order is truly just.

Therefore, this resolution related to Islamophobia is a very valuable lesson that more humane steps can be taken through the United Nations in dealing with various humanitarian cases.

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3. For OIC member countries including Indonesia, this resolution is also a great space and opportunity to take strategic steps, both individually and collaboratively.

Among these steps is the mainstreaming of Washotiyatul Islam through various integrated programs. Especially for Indonesia, this is a great opportunity to prove that Indonesia can become the center of the global Washatiyatul Islam, as President Joko Widodo stated some time ago.

The time is no longer to reproduce rhetoric, but to work hard for this Washotiyatul Islam so that Rahmatan lil alamin can truly be realized and felt. This is at the same time an opportunity for Indonesia to consolidate nationality internally so that all parties are truly committed to building Indonesia as a religious country and nation that believes in the One and Only Godhead, is just and civilized, and strengthens the unity of upholding deliberation as mandated by Pancasila.

No one should be hurt or offended because this can trigger extremism and destabilize the nation’s joints.

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4. Islamophobia is also another form of extremism that is very dangerous for anyone. However, countering and fighting Islamophobia must also be done in a humane and civilized way, not in extreme and tyrannical ways.

Therefore, cooperation with various parties in formulating and implementing programs to counter and fight Islamophobia is very important. This month of Ramadan should be used to strengthen or strengthen the spirit against Islamophobia by strengthening Washotiyatul Islam. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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