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EcoRamadhan 2024 Makes a Sustainable Mosque a Reality

sajadi - Thursday, 28 March 2024 - 15:22 WIB

Thursday, 28 March 2024 - 15:22 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – Chairman of the Environmental and Natural Resources Breeding Institute of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPLH-SDA MUI) Dr Hayu Prabowo stated that the implementation of the EcoRamadhan 1445H program must be a moment to encourage efforts to create a Sustainable Mosque.

According to him, sustainable mosques can be interpreted as the ready capacity of individuals, communities, and mosque systems to prepare, adapt, survive and become stronger in facing various types of pressures and shocks experienced.

“Mosques need to have an Emergency Response Plan to face disasters and pressures and shocks in the future,” said Hayu to MINA in Jakarta on Thursday.

For this reason, he continued, mosques in Indonesia must be encouraged to become miniatures for the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the community level.

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Hayu said that the importance of awareness of today’s climate change situation must be built at all levels of society.

“One of the game changers is the mosque. “Our mosques are the first place for efforts to control climate change, which will certainly change many things in life,” he said.

Hayu’s statement was also conveyed at the DPF Webinar Series in collaboration with Ecomasjid by discussing the relationship between Islamic social finance (ISF) driven by mosques with the aim of controlling climate change which was held virtually on Tuesday, March 26 2024.

Hayu said, in realizing a Sustainable Mosque, two things need to be considered, namely the promotion of integrated mosque governance and mainstreaming the principles of social cohesion.

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Apart from that, there are three things that need to be considered in realizing sustainable mosques as supports for development that meet current needs without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

“First, the READY Mosque, meaning a mosque that is ready and able to reduce the impact and is able to face the risk of disasters and climate change,” he explained.

Second, continued Hayu, namely the HOLY Mosque, a holy and healthy mosque that guarantees access to clean water, sustainable management of waste and waste water.

“Third, CONNECTED Mosques, namely mosques that are interconnected by connectivity and networks of preachers, congregations and the general public,” he added.

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Meanwhile, the EcoRamadhan Program as an embodiment of an Environmentally Friendly Mosque (EcoMasjid), which was initiated by LPLH-SDA MUI, was started in anticipation of World Environment Day on June 5 2016, which coincides with the arrival of the month of Ramadan 1437H, in order to increase faith in Ramadan worship by controlling lust and lust, through increasing understanding and awareness of environmental management. This program continues to this day. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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