BNPB to Involve Ulema in COVID-19 Prevention

BNPB-MUI Agree to Involve Ulema in COVID-19 Prevention (photo special)

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) signed a cooperation agreement related to the Coronavirus pandemic disaster management (COVID-19).

BNPB will involve ulema in delivering messages related to Corona’s handling.

“BNPB feels it is important to involve many ulema in delivering messages on disaster management. Many people are waiting for the ulema’s instructions in dealing with disasters,” said Secretary of the COVID-19 MUI Task Force, M Cholil Nafis, in his statement on Tuesday.

Cholil believes that scholars need to emphasize the da’wah related to human relations with nature.

Public awareness needs to be aroused by scholars regarding human love for nature and the environment, including the matter of disaster mitigation.

“One of the effective way to invite people without coercion that touches to the lowest level is taushiyah ulama.

Da’wah asatidz who can provide literacy to the people to be aware of disasters with the values ​​of faith,” said Cholil.

Cholil hopes that scholars become heroes to save humanity from the Corona virus pandemic disaster.

“As with the matter of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped that scholars will be able to give lessons and awareness to the people to comply with health protocols,” he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)