Manila, 19 Shafar 1435/21 December 2013 (MINA) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s visit to Philippines to see and assess immediate area and victims were hit by Yolanda Typhoon (Haiyan), December 20-22.

      President Benigno S. Aquino III received United Nations Secretary-General in a courtesy call at Malacanang on Saturday morning. The UN Secretary-General arrived in the country Friday evening, PNA reported as quoted by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).

     Ban was welcomed by the President and Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario upon his arrival at the Palace, Philippines News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

    Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte said that President thanked United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for the UN’s continuing support for relief and rehabiliation efforts in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda, Rappler online media reports.

     A statement from the Department of Foreign Affairs said the UN Secretary General’s visit “marks the continuing cooperation between the Philippine Government and the United Nations, especially at this time when the country begins the recovery and reconstruction in the affected areas”.

      Ban will stay in the country from Dec. 20 to 22 to assess the damage of typhoon “Yolanda” and express sympathy to the survivors of the disaster in the Visayas region.

       The UN chief wants to have firsthand assessment of the devastation of the typhoon as well as to express solidarity to the affected communities.

      After his meeting with the President and other top government officials, Ban is scheduled to travel to Tacloban City to visit communities affected by “Yolanda,” considered as one of the most, if not the most, powerful typhoons in history to make landfall.

      Among the Cabinet members who joined the President in his meeting with the UN Secretary-General were Del Rosario, Cabinet Secretary Jose Rene Almendras, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman and NEDA chief Arsenio Balisacan.

      On Sunday morning, Ban will hold a joint press conference with Secretary Del Rosario at the Manila Peninsula Hotel in Makati City prior to his departure. (T/P09/P03)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)



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