AAPP: 50 Journalists Detained Since Coup in Myanmar

photo: AA

Yangon, MINA – The Association of Assistants for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reported that at least 50 journalists had been detained by the junta and 25 of them on trial since the coup in Myanmar in early February.

Coinciding with World Press Freedom Day on Tuesday, AAPP added, there were two journalists who were awaiting trial, then 29 journalists who avoided arrest.

“Press freedom in Burma has collapsed since the coup,” wrote AAPP in its report as quoted by Anadolu Agency on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, a total of 766 people have died in demonstrations against the military coup in Myanmar since February 1, 2021.

In its report, the civil society group recorded one additional person who died on May 2, 2021 and was documented on May 3, 2021.

The AAPP also reported that 3,614 people are currently detained, of which 83 have been sentenced.

The AAPP said the atrocities committed by junta forces, both rural and urban, were getting worse with each passing day. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)