A US Man Arrested for Threatening Ilhan Omar

Florida, MINA – US police arrested a man in Florida on Friday for allegedly sending racist messages, homophobia and Islamophobia in voicemail to several Democratic Congress members, including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Eric Swalwell and Cory Booker.

John Kless, 49, from Broward County, also sent a threatening death message to New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, who said, “You are a government official, the grave where you are,” Al Jazeera reported on Saturday.

He also allegedly defended white supremacy by crashing his car into a mass crowd that was protesting in August 2017, killing a man, Heather Heyer (32).

In addition, Kless also reportedly defended President Donald Trump in the messages and warned politicians to stop criticizing the president.

Ilhan Omar is one of the first Muslim women in the US Congress who recently became the spotlight after issuing several statements criticizing Israel and President Tump.

The threat of murder against her is increasing, especially after President Donald Trump uploaded an edited video on his Twitter.

The video edited by Trump was intended to show Omar rejected the September 11, 2001 attacks, Al Jazeera reported.

“This is life-threatening,” he said. “It must stop.”

His statement on Sunday night was responded to by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi by taking steps to ensure security for this Democratic representative in the Minnesota state.

Pelosi also called for Trump to delete the video. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)