A Palestinian Youth Seize Weapons from Israeli Soldiers

A Palestinian youth from the village of Al-Jadida, south of Jenin, Abdullah Qalalwa died as a result of being shot by the Israeli Occupation Forces at the Huwara checkpoint, south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, Friday (3/2). (Photo: PIC)

Nablus, MINA – A Palestinian youth was shot dead by the Israeli Occupation Forces at the Huwara checkpoint, south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank on Friday, for trying to seize an Israeli army weapon.

The Palestinian Red Crescent, as quoted by PIC, confirmed that its team had received the body from the occupation ambulance, while the Civil Affairs Authority said that the martyr was Abdullah Qalalwa, hailing from the village of Al-Jadida, south of Jenin.

Meanwhile, shortly before Qalawa’s death, according to a Hebrew source, Israel claimed that its soldiers targeted a Palestinian youth with bullets for allegedly trying to seize an Israeli soldier’s gun near Nablus.

Channel 13 said a Palestinian was seriously injured (before his death) after being shot by occupation soldiers at the Hawara checkpoint, south of Nablus, for allegedly trying to seize an army weapon.

In detail, he explained, a Palestinian man arrived in his vehicle at the Hawara checkpoint roundabout, south of the city, got out of the vehicle unarmed, and tried to seize one of the soldiers’ weapons.

Over the past week, the source confirmed that it documented the deaths of 5 Palestinians, the killing of 8 illegal settlers, and 22 injuries, while the West Bank and Jerusalem were subjected to 3,532 violations, considering it the bloodiest month in the West Bank since 2015. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)