MAPIM Calls for Scholars to Protest Friday Prayers’ Prohibition in Kashmir

Kuala Lumpur, MINA – The Malaysian Consultative Council Of Islamic Organization (MAPIM) called on the Muslim scholars in the world to protest against the Friday Prayer ban imposed in Kashmir.

“We call on all Muslim world scholars to rise to protest the Friday Prayer ban for more than four months at the Kashmir’s largest mosque,” MAPIM said in a written statement received by MINA on Wednesday.

MAPIM said the right to practice one’s beliefs, which is a fundamental right in the Indian constitution, has been violated repeatedly in Kashmir since 1990 and even before that.

The 600-year-old Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in Srinagar, India’s main city of Kashmir, now it Is surrounded by military troops.

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Since August 5, a padlock has been hung at the door of the largest mosque in Kashmir.

The lockout also includes restrictions on religious gatherings in the only Muslim-majority region in India, with authorities banning entry into key Kashmiri mosques, where worshipers pray five times a day.

December 6 marked the 17th week of banning Friday prayers in a row at the mosque.

Similar restrictions were imposed at the Bait-ul-Mukaram Mosque in Anantnag district in southern Kashmir.

The ban on Friday prayers by India itself is not the first time. In 2016, the Jama mosque was also locked for 16 consecutive Fridays. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)