Moshe Ya'alon has ordered the army to evacuate two bases over the Green Line to allow for settlement expansion. (Photo: www.haaretz.com)
Moshe Ya’alon has ordered the army to evacuate two bases over the Green Line to allow for settlement expansion. (Photo: www.haaretz.com)

Tel Aviv,  26 Safar 1436/19 December 2014 (MINA) – Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon recently ordered the relocation of two military bases which are positioned on “state land” in the occupied West Bank to allow the expansion of two illegal settlements, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported yesterday.

The paper said that Ya’alon would annex additional territory in the occupied West Bank to relocate the military bases, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting, Friday.

The Israeli Border Police base in Ashmoret Yitzhak, near Kiryat Arba, and the army base near the settlement of Alei Zahav will be relocated, and the settlements would expand into these areas, Haaretz reported.

The paper said that the Israeli authorities seize Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank easily under the pretext of “security needs”. It its editorial the newspaper said: “Ya’alon is using the law cunningly to bring about the expansion of more and more settlements.”

“At such a sensitive time for Israel of international diplomatic struggle and suppressed tension in the West Bank, one might have expected the defence minister to act responsibly and judiciously, both from the diplomatic and security aspects. But he has not.”

The newspaper continued: “Ya’alon wants to be as high as possible on Likud’s Knesset slate in order to win re-election. He also wants to act on his desire to build as much as possible in the settlements.” (T/P3/R01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)