image: Shehab
image: Shehab

Gaza, 2 Ramadan 1435/30 June 2014 (MINA) – United Nations (UN) said in its statement, Israel has lied about the ship in the Red Sea report that contain hundreds of missiles and claimed as Iranian shipments to Hamas in Gaza several time ago.

UN concluded that the ship and weapons seized in the ship is not going to be sent to Gaza, but it would sail to Sudan, MINA correspondent in Gaza reported quoting local media reports Shehab, Sunday.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haretz, the report clearly showed Gaza  was not the purpose of the ship, but towards Sudan.

UN experts said, Israeli report as many as 14 pages mentioned the ship contained 20 containers of various types of weapons under Panama flag would not entered Gaza.

In early March, Israeli missiles claimed had seized dozens of Iranian warships in the Red Sea. The missile is expected to be delivered to Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli officials said they were sent from Damascus to Tehran then sent from the Iranian harbour  Bandar Abbas, to the Iraqi  Umm Qasr.

The missiles are put into the bags of cement. When the Iranian ship captured in international waters between Eritrea and Sudan, the 17 member crew was also arrested.

According to Israeli officials, the missiles would be delivered by road Sudan to the Sinai desert and heading to Gaza.

Peter Lerner, spokesman for the Israeli military said he knew the missile delivery from Damascus international harbour since a few months ago.

He also said, dozens of Syrian-made rockets M320 has been confiscated. These rockets can hit up to 100 miles, and it can be launched from Nahariya in northern Israel to Eilat. (L/KO1/Nidiya/p03/P04)  

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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