Bogor, MINA – The Chairman of Ukhuwah Al-Fatah Rescue (UAR), Endang Sudrajat, has called on all members to treat emergency disaster response as a form of worship. He emphasized the importance of compassion and preparedness in swiftly and responsibly assisting disaster victims.
Endang likened disaster preparedness to responding to the call to prayer (adhan). “When the adhan is called, we respond immediately. Similarly, when a disaster occurs, we must act quickly without waiting for orders, as every UAR member already has their standard operating procedures (SOPs),” he said on Tuesday.
This statement comes in response to the increasing frequency of hydrometeorological disasters in the Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and Banten regions. Endang reminded members to remain vigilant and equip themselves with the necessary tools and disaster response skills.
Last December, Endang instructed all Regional Coordinators and Area Coordinators of UAR to remain on high alert, following a request from the Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) through the Director of Potential Development, Agus Haryono, ahead of the 2024/2025 Christmas and New Year holidays. []
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)