Surabaya, MINA – Trial on the tragedy of the death of hundreds of supporters at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency, East Java with the defendants Abdul Haris and Suko Sutrisno held again at the Surabaya District Court on Thursday.
The trial, which was held offline, was scheduled to hear witness statements from the public prosecutor (JPU). Monitoring at the location, the two defendants entered the Cakra courtroom at around 09.25 WIB.
They were seen wearing red vests and wearing long-sleeved batik. The trial which was held at 09.58, the prosecutor presented 18 witnesses.
However, one witness was unable to attend. The witnesses presented by the prosecutor consisted of 6 victim witnesses, 7 stewards, 2 from the Youth and Sports Agency and also witnesses from the National Police. Currently, there are six witnesses being examined consisting of members of the police, witness victims, and others.
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As previously reported, the two defendants Abdul Haris and Suko Sutrisno through their attorney Sumardhan did not submit an exception to the indictment.
On October 1, 2022, a fatal incident occurred after a soccer match at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency, East Java. Following the defeat of the home team Arema to their rival Persebaya Surabaya. The total number of victims who died as a result of the tragedy was 135 people, while hundreds of others were injured. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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