Afghanistan, 27 Dzul hijja/12 November (MINA/Press TV) – Latest reports say a US-led airstrike has injured at least three children in Afghanistan’s northeastern Kunar Province as anti-American sentiments are rising over the loss of civilian lives at the hands of foreign forces.


Wasifullah Wasifi, the spokesperson for  the governor of Kunar, said the children were injured after fighter jets belonging to the US-led Western military alliance targeted an anti-US gathering in Walsawali district on Saturday evening. 

The Afghan official said that the injured were rushed to a nearby hospital in the region. 

US-led Western military alliance has confirmed the raid but refused to comment on the possibility of civilian casualties. 

US claims that its operations target militants, but local people say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks. 

Many civilians have lost their lives in the US-led operations in various parts of Afghanistan over the past months, with Afghans becoming increasingly outraged at the seemingly endless number of the deadly assaults.

The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 on the pretext of combating terrorism. 

The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but years into the invasion, insecurity continues to rise across the country despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops in the war-weary nation. 

The US-led war in Afghanistan, which has caused record-high civilian and military casualties, has become the longest military conflict in the American history. 

The escalating human cost of the war is putting a great deal of pressure on NATO member states to withdraw their troops.(JR/AZ/J-006/HSH)

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