Bandar Lampung, 21 Rajab 1434/31 Mei 2013 (MINA) – Thai Muslims expressed its support for the only international Islamic News Agency in Indonesia, Mi’raj News Agency (MINA),  as unifying media  for Muslim brotherhood as well as spread the truth of Islam all over the world.

       “The presence of MINA is expected to be an adhesive for Muslim brotherhood and to provide education and knowledge of true Islam to mankind,”  Thai Muslim Youth figure Choke Anan Raksup, at student exchange event in Lampung Wednesday (30/5).

       Western mass media are always giving biased information about Islam and marginalize this fastest growing religion in the world.

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      Choke also said most of western mass media inform inappropriate news of Islam issues, that is what makes Islamophobia emerge in the western countries.

      “This is their provocation against Muslims, the information they give is always to corner and not fit with the reality, this is our task, providing the right information to people of the world,” said Choke who is also the chairman of Thailand’s Muslim Student Group.

      So far, he said that Islam is always been in bad imaging especially by Western society due to unbalanced news reporting,  as well as after 9/11 incident that brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, the United States.

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       “Muslims is always cornered, assessed as terrorists, and now it is our job in providing the correct information about Islam and Muslims, so that the western communities can understand Islam very well,” Choke closed. (L/P03/E1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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