West Bank, 24 Rajab 1434/4 June 2013 (MINA) – Dozens of Israeli occupation soldiers on Monday morning (3/6) kidnapped ten Palestinians after breaking into their homes and searching them during invasion in the West Bank districts of Qalqilia, Bethlehem and Hebron.

       Local sources in Azzoun town, near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, stated that the army invaded the town and kidnapped five Palestinians. 
      The kidnapped residents have been identified as Mahdi Hamed (20), Qassem Ahmad Salim (21), Yousef Saqer Salim (24), Adam Bassem Salim (23), and Ashraf Ahmad Hasan (19), according to International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) reports monitored by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).
      Israeli soldiers also handed five residents military warrants ordering them to head to a nearby military base for interrogation, the media added.
      Israeli soldier also invaded the Al-Khader town, and the Deheisha refugee camp, in Bethlehem, and kidnapped two Palestinians identified as Baha’ Mohammad Salah (20) from Al-Khader, and Khaled As’ad As-Salhy (19) from Deheisha. 
      Furthermore, Israeli soldiers invaded Arab Al-Hathalin village, east of Yatta, south of the southern West bank city of Hebron, and kidnapped three teenagers. 
      Rateb Jabour, coordinator of the Popular Committee Against the Wall stated that the army kidnapped Odah Mohammad Al-Hathaleen (18), his brother Akram (15), and Ammar Shu’eib Al- Hathaleen (19).
     The army claims that the three cut a section of a barbed wire fence surrounding Karmiel settlement.
     Jabour denounced the ongoing and escalating Israeli military violations and settler assaults against the Palestinians, their lands and property in different parts of the occupied territories.(T/P03/E1)  

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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