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Syekh Sulaiman Ar-Rasuli, Sumatran Education Reformer Proposed to Become A National Hero

sajadi - Saturday, 6 May 2023 - 22:27 WIB

Saturday, 6 May 2023 - 22:27 WIB


By: Fauziah Mursid

Sheikh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli was proposed to be a national hero. The cleric who studied under Sheikh Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi is considered to have played a role in the struggle for Indonesian independence, especially through education. This proposal was conveyed by the Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi Ansharullah to Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin while attending the peak of the 95th anniversary of the Islamic Tarbiyah Association (Perti) at Padang State University, Padang City, West Sumatra on Friday.

On this occasion, Mahyeldi and Chairman of Perti Muhammad Syafri Hutauruk hoped that the vice president as a representative of the government could realize the request that the cleric who founded Perti be declared a national hero.

“Shaykh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli, who we continue to propose and try to immediately designate as a national hero. With the presence of the Vice President, we can speed up the designation of Sulaiman ar-Rasuli as a hero,” said Mahyeldi in his remarks.

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He hopes that in the near future, the title can be quickly pinned on Sheikh Sulaiman who has contributed to the nation and state. Chairman of Perti Muhammad Syafri Hutauruk said the founders of Islamic organizations such as NU, namely KH Hasyim Asy’ari and Muhammadiyah KH Ahmad Dahlan had long been national heroes.

However, Sheikh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli, who also learned from the same scholar, Sheikh Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi, has not been declared a national hero until now. In fact, Syekh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli played a major role in the national and Indonesian movement, both through educational institutions, scholars, scholars, experts, teachers, and educational movers.

“Because we hope that the presence of the Vice President can further make Sheikh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli immediately declared a national hero,” he said.

On that occasion the Vice President supported the suggestion that Sheikh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli be named a national hero. “I support the suggestion that Sheikh Sulaiman Ar-Rasuli be declared a national hero,” he said.

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In commemorating the anniversary, the Vice President also hoped that Perti would continue her struggle in building Indonesia’s progress.

“I welcome this 95th anniversary, approaching 100 years, because 100 years is the momentum for improvement and change,” he said.

“I invite Perti to continue the commitment of the founding figures to educate the nation’s life and make a real contribution to solving other national problems. And I suggest that Sheikh Sulaiman Arrasuli not stop fighting for something so that he becomes a national hero,” he said.

The figure who is often referred to as Inyiak Canduang was born in 1871 in Cdung (now a district in Agam, West Sumatra). His father, Angku Muhammad Rasul, was a scholar of Islam.

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As for his mother named Siti Buli’ah. He lived contemporaneously with several well-known preachers. Call it Hajj Abdul Latif Syakur, Sheikh Muhammad Jamil Jambek, Hajj Abdul Latif Phambatan, Sheikh Abbas Abdullah, and Sheikh Ibrahim Musa.

In a broader context, scholars who were of the same age as him—especially when they were in the Holy Land—among others KH Hasyim Asy’arie and Sheikh Hasan Maksum. (T/RE1)h

Source: Https://

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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