Supporting ICJ Decision, Indonesia Urges Israel to End Occupation in Palestine

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi (photo: MINA)

Jakarta, MINA – Indonesia supports the International Court of Justice’s legal ruling on Israel’s actions in the occupied Palestinian territories and urges the Zionist entity to end its occupation.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi affirmed that the legal ruling has upheld the international order by declaring the illegal status of Israel’s presence in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

“Hence, Indonesia supports the Court’s view that all countries and the UN should not recognize the situation resulting from Israel’s illegal presence,” Retno said in a press statement quoted by MINA on Monday.

Aligned with the Court’s ruling, Indonesia urges Israel to rapidly end its illegal presence in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

“Israel must stop illegal settlement construction and evacuate all Jewish settlers immediately,” he added.

Furthermore, Israel is obligated to provide reparations, including restitution and peace efforts, such as returning lands taken since 1967 and allowing all expelled Palestinians to return home.

“In line with this legal ruling, Indonesia calls for the UN General Assembly and Security Council to address the Court’s request and take appropriate steps to end Israel’s illegal presence in Palestine,” Retno emphasized.

The legal ruling by the Court marks the first step toward achieving full Palestinian independence.

In reality, Israel continues to wield authority over the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Violations as determined by the Court persist, with Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza, remaining targets of Israeli military attacks.

Therefore, Retno reiterated that Israel retains responsibilities as the occupying power to fulfill the basic rights of Palestinians remaining in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in accordance with the Court’s ruling.

Concurrently, Indonesia will rally international communities and the UN to collectively affirm the legal ruling and recognize the existence of the State of Palestine. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)