Saudi soldiers stand at attention in front of tanks during a visit by Deputy Defence Minister Prince Khaled bin Sultan (unseen) at Al-Khoba in the southern Jizan province near the border with Yemen on January 27, 2010.  (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
Saudi soldiers stand at attention in front of tanks during a visit by Deputy Defence Minister Prince Khaled bin Sultan (unseen) at Al-Khoba in the southern Jizan province near the border with Yemen on January 27, 2010. (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)

Riyadh, 21 Sha’ban 1436/8 June 2015 (MINA) – Saudi Arabia reinforced its southern city of Jizan near the Yemeni border with army units, Al Arabiya News Channel reported Sunday.

The military support included hundreds of military vehicles and artillery along with thousands of soldiers trained to operate the machinery.

Jizan, considered the most populous of three Saudi provinces that border Yemen, has witnessed several attacks launched from Houthi militias that killed four Saudi soldiers.

Earlier, the Saudi-led coalition launched Sunday a series of airstrikes on Houthi gatherings in the southwestern city of Taez, according to Al Arabiya News Channel quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).

The coalition also targeted Houthi-held camps in the Yemeni capital and resumed strikes on Republican Guard bases in the northern province of Saada.

Also on Sunday, the coalition hit a Houthi convoy that was located between Omran province north of Sanaa and Saada.

Meanwhile, violent clashes took place between Houthis and the forces of the Popular Resistance – allied to President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi – in several cities across Yemen. (T/P001/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)