Palestinians Rally Against Israeli Anexation and Normalization Agreement

Palestinians Rally Against Israeli Anexation and Normalization Agreement (photo special)

Ramallah, MINA – Palestinians rallied at Turmus Ayya town, east of Ramallah city on Wednesday afternoon, against Israel’s illegal annexation move as well as the UAE-Israeli normalization agreement.

The large public gathering was attended by a large host of government ministers, including Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, PLO Executive Committee members, Fatah Central Committee members, and was joined by representatives of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements in addition to international ambassadors to Palestine.

In his speech, Shtayyeh pointed out that the rally participants came to voice their rejection against the deal of the century. Wafa News reported.

He said that the UAE-Israeli normalization agreement constitutes a flagrant violation of the Arab Peace Initiative, and serves to legitimize the Israeli occupation and encourage Israel to further oppress the Palestinians, demolish their homes and seize their land.

The public gathering featured speeches by a number of international leaders who wanted to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people besides to the representatives of the various Palestinian factions.

Israeli forces cordoned off the town since the early morning hours and fired tear gas and stun grenades at the participants in an attempt to disperse them. (T/RS2/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)