Draft of Egypt proposal ceasefire on Sunday (10/8)
Draft of Egypt proposal ceasefire on Sunday (10/8)

Gaza, 15 Shawwal  1435/11 August 2014 (MINA) – Palestine and Israeli occupation regime  agree to Egyptian proposal to extend the cease-fire began on Monday (11/8) at 00:01 Cairo time for 72 hours.

“After the Israeli occupation regime delegation came to Cairo agreed to the proposal, the Palestinians delegation in Cairo also agreed to the truce,” said Musa Abu Marzouk Deputy Chairman of Hamas Political Bureau in his official facebook page on Sunday (10/8).

Furthermore, Abu Marzouk said, the truce will be used to resume indirect talks with  Israeli occupation regime , as a response for demanding the rights of the Palestinian people and the fundamental needs of the future victory of the Gaza Strip.

Egypt’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement Sunday urging “both sides to take benefit from this truce to resume indirect negotiations immediately and work towards a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire agreement.”

In the interview with the Alquds media, Abu Marzouk said Israeli occupation regime  is not serious in this indirect  talks and deliberately stalling respond to the demands of the Palestinian people.

“We will not linger, if there is no seriousness in negotiations, for the next 24 hours all claims will be decided in these negotiations,” he said.

He further said “we do not wish more escalation, but we will not accept if our demands are not met “.

Meanwhile, senior Israeli occupation regime  officials said they accepted the Egyptian proposal for a 72-hour ceasefire starting midnight Sunday, as they claim Israeli occupation regime does not want to negotiate  when it’s being ‘attacked’. “The Israeli occupation regime delegation will travel to Cairo if the truce is really respected,” he said.

Egypt previously proposed truce “to stop the massacre of innocent citizens, then appealed to both sides to make a new truce for 72 hours starting Monday, 11.08 at 00:01 Cairo time”. (L/K01/P03/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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