Pakistan Celebrates Self-Determination Day For Kashmir

Karachi, MINA – Demonstrations and seminars were held across Pakistan and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to commemorate the Day of Kashmir’s Right to Self-Determination (Plebiscite) on Tuesday.

On January 5, 1949, the United Nations committed that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute would be resolved by a free and fair vote.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, in a series of tweets, said the day was a reminder to the United Nations and its member states of “unfulfilled commitments” to the people of Kashmir. Thus, it is quoted from Anadolu Agency.

“Despite suffering 73 years of brutal Indian occupation, generation after generation of Kashmiri people remain steadfast in demanding their inalienable right to self-determination as guaranteed to them under the UN Charter and by the UN Security Council,” he said.

Pakistan, he said, stands “firmly” with the Kashmiri people in their struggle for freedom from “the tyranny of one of the most cruel, inhuman and illegal jobs in modern history”.

Meanwhile, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said Pakistan is part of Kashmir’s “self-determination movement”.

Speaking at the upper house of parliament, Qureshi said Pakistan hoped for an active role for the United States in dealing with the resolution of the long-running dispute.

“It is good news that Joe Biden has spoken out about the way human rights are being trampled on in (occupied) Kashmir, and we hope he will continue to do the same in the future,” he said.

He added that there is hope that the United States and the European Union raise an effective voice for human rights in Kashmir.

“The international community should continue its support for Kashmir’s fundamental freedoms and human rights and urge India to allow the United Nations to investigate grave human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir,” he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)