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Obama and Jiokowi in Bogor.
Bogor, 7 Shawwal 1438/1 July 2017 (MINA) – Former US President Barack Obama enjoyed eating meatballs soup, locally known as bakso, which was served during lunch with Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Grand Garden Cafe restaurant of Bogor Botanical Garden on Friday (June 30), Antra News reported.
“According to the waiters who were serving, he (Obama) enjoyed the bakso,” head of the palace’s press bureau, Bey Machmudin, stated.
Obama arrived at the Bogor Presidential Palace at 3.30 p.m. and was welcomed by Jokowi, First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, and his son Kaesang Pangarep.
Both leaders, along with Iriana and Pangarep, then went to the restaurant by golf carts.
Obama and Jokowi sat on the open terrace of the restaurant at 15.45; but after talking for about 10 minutes, they had to move to the balcony inside due to rain.
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During the talk, they enjoyed hot tea and various traditional snacks such as “onde-onde” (sticky rice flour balls filled with beans), “talam ubi” (sweet tapioca cake), and “lemper” (chicken meat-filled glutinous rice wrapped in banana leaves).
After enjoying his meatballs soup, the final dish served, Obama left the palace at 4.30 p.m.
Obama is in Indonesia for a vacation with his family, including wife Michelle Obama and daughters Malia Ann Obama and Sasha Obama, since June 23.
He first visited Bali, followed by Yogyakarta, and finally reached Jakarta for the final leg of his tour.
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The 44th US President is scheduled to be a key note speaker at the opening session of Indonesia Diaspora Networking Global Convention on July 1, before returning home on July 2. (T/RS5/RS1)
Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)
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