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New Zealand Pilot Killed by Papua’s Armed Criminal Group

sajadi - Tuesday, 6 August 2024 - 16:42 WIB

Tuesday, 6 August 2024 - 16:42 WIB


Brigadier General Bayu Suseno, Head of the Peace Cartenz Operation Public Relations Task Force, provided details about the hostage-taking of a helicopter and the shooting of New Zealand pilot Glen Malcolm Conning in Mimika Regency, Central Papua, on Monday (August 5, 2024 ). (Photo: Peace Cartenz Task Force documentation)
Brigadier General Bayu Suseno, Head of the Peace Cartenz Operation Public Relations Task Force, provided details about the hostage-taking of a helicopter and the shooting of New Zealand pilot Glen Malcolm Conning in Mimika Regency, Central Papua, on Monday (August 5, 2024 ). (Photo: Peace Cartenz Task Force documentation)

Mimika, MINA – Glen Malcolm Conning, a New Zealand pilot operating a civilian helicopter in Mimika, Central Papua Province, was shot and killed by an Armed Criminal Group (KKB) on Monday.

Brigadier General Faizal Ramadhani, Head of the Peace Cartenz 2024 Operation, reported that the aircraft and the pilot’s body were also burned.

Conning was shot and killed by KKB militants shortly after arriving in Alama, Mimika district, according to Sindo News.

The police officer stated that the KKB released the indigenous Papuan passengers from the helicopter, including two healthcare workers and two children, before burning the helicopter and fleeing into the forest.

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“All the passengers were safe as they were local residents of Alama village,” Ramadhani said, adding that the village is located in a mountainous district accessible only by helicopter.

Sebby Sambom, a leader of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), blamed Conning, who was working for PT Intan Angkasa Air Service.

Sebby said he had not received any reports from his militia regarding the pilot’s death. “However, if it happened, it was his own fault for entering our restricted area,” Sambom told AP on Tuesday.

“We have issued several warnings that the area is under our restricted zone, a conflict zone prohibited to any civilian aircraft,” he added. (T/RE1/P2)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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Brigadier General Bayu Suseno, Head of the Peace Cartenz Operation Public Relations Task Force, provided details about the hostage-taking of a helicopter and the shooting of New Zealand pilot Glen Malcolm Conning in Mimika Regency, Central Papua, on Monday (August 5, 2024 ). (Photo: Peace Cartenz Task Force documentation)