Netanyahu Responsible for the Death of Six Israeli Hostages: Al-Qassam 

Gaza, MINA – The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in Gaza, has released a video message directed to the families of Israeli hostages in Gaza.

Al-Qassam stated on Sunday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not care about the fate of the hostages.

The video was released after the bodies of six Israeli hostages were discovered in Gaza. Press TV reported.

Al-Qassam claimed that the six hostages were alive before the latest attack by the occupying regime and were supposed to be freed in the first phase of the prisoner exchange deal.

The group added that Israeli forces had “deliberately” killed many hostages and taken their bodies.

Al-Qassam then cited a press statement by Netanyahu regarding the hostages, where he mentioned that he would choose to control the southern Gaza corridor to return the hostages.

The video also included images of the six hostages whose bodies were taken.

Al-Qassam informed the hostages that Netanyahu had chosen control over the Philadelphia Corridor over the release of the hostages.

Previously, Hamas blamed Israel and the United States as the primary causes of the death of the six Israeli hostages.

The movement stated that the responsibility for the death of the Israeli prisoners lies with the occupying regime, which continues to commit genocide in Gaza and avoid ceasefire agreements.

Hamas also held the US responsible for supporting Israel and being complicit in the war. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)