Photo: Shizouka Muslim Association (SMA)
Photo: Shizouka Muslim Association (SMA)

Shizouka, 13 Dzulhijjah 1435/7 October 2014 (MINA) – The Shizouka Muslim Association (SMA), Japan, planned to build a mosque, named ‘Gaza Mosque’ to remind the sacrifice of Muslim brothers in Gaza, Palestine.

The SMA chairman, Assa’adi Yaseene toldMi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)’s reporter on Tuesday in an online interview, it was inspired by the struggle of the people of Gaza against the Israeli aggression in few month ago.

Assa’adi said, SMA is the first organization in Japan wich doing campaign to collect donations to help Muslim in Gaza.

“But we think, we have to do a different action. Because every time we assist financially to Gaza, a year or two years later Israel will destroy it again, “said Assa’adi, who has been nine years living in Japan.

“Frankly, the Japanese have negative perception about Islam, especially with the issues that focus on IS and terrorism, “said Assa’adi.

According to him, everyday,  Japanese  are very busy with their work and do not have much time to learn Islam.

“This, a reason we build the Mosque to invite the Japanese people see the beauty of Islam, learn more about Islam and explain the struggle of Muslims in Palestine,” he added.

The development of Islam in Shizouka

Muslimjapan.com Reported,the city has more than 150 Muslims, including the natives. The rapid development of the Muslim population from year to year, especially among the youth encourages to have the mosque.

Islam gradually spread in Japan and the Japanese people are willing to learn about it. “This is a great opportunity for Muslims from all over the world to bring the message of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to Japan,” said Assa’adi.

According to him, they believe the mosque is not only a place of worship for Muslims, but also plays an important role in communication with non-Muslims.

“We hope that Allah will help us in building the mosque in Shizuoka, which will be a media communication for Muslims and non-Muslims in the community,” he added.

He wished, Muslims all around the world that could help their dakwah in Japan.(L/P008/R12/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)