Israeli Occupation Forces Demolish Palestinian House in Nablus

Israeli Occupation Forces Demolish Palestinian House in Nablus (photo: M Shaaban/MINA)

West Bank, MINA – The Israeli occupation forces demolished Monday a number of residential and agricultural facilities in the town of Duma, southeast of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, MINA’s Contributor in Palestine reported.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces, accompanied by bulldozers, stormed the town and proceeded to demolish a two-storey inhabited Palestinian house.

Mohammad Hassan Sarayeh, one of the owners of the two-storey house, said that the occupation forces raided their house at dawn without prior warning, and forcibly evicted them from their home and left them in the street. Then, they demolished the house.

He explained that the house is inhabited by two families consisting of 12 members, and it was built about 6 years ago, and they were notified to stop the construction, but the legal procedures were completed to stop the decision.

The occupation forces demolished an agricultural room and a ” for raising poultry, belonging to Mujahid Dawabsha.

It also demolished a house under construction, consisting of two floors and a 250-cup water container, belonging to the head of Duma village council, Suleiman Dawabsha.

The head of the village council said there are 150 notices issued by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians to stop construction and demolition in Douma, including public utilities such as streets and water and electricity lines. (LKG/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)