Israeli Military Action Blocks Access to Medical Help in West Bank

West Bank, MINA – The Israeli army’s ongoing incursions in the occupied West Bank as well as repeated attacks on health workers, ambulances and medical facilities are severely hindering Palestinians’ ability to access medical care, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has warned.

“Our staff are currently restricted in their movement and ability to provide direct support to the population,” Caroline Willemen, MSF project coordinator said in a report on Thursday as quoted by Palestine Chronicle.

“We have only been able to provide emergency psychological first aid in Tulkarm and to make a donation (of medical supplies, baby milk, and diapers) in Jenin,” she added. “The incursions need to stop and unimpeded access to health restored as soon as possible.”

Israel’s large-scale military operation in the northern West Bank began on August 28, with 22 Palestinians killed in Jenin alone, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The situation and the destruction of infrastructure by the Israeli forces, have forced MSF medical teams to suspend regular activities in Tulkarm and Jenin cities, the NGO said.

In Hebron (Al Khalil), Israeli forces “have blocked access into and out of the city, preventing MSF teams from running mobile clinics and supporting its maternity facility located outside the city.”

The MSF clinic inside Hebron “is operational, but blockades and the feeling of insecurity is reportedly preventing patients from accessing it.”

In addition, Israeli forces further impede access to care with ambulances and health workers “repeatedly attacked” including in Jenin and Tulkarm.

On Thursday, the MSF-supported Khalil Suliman Hospital in Jenin remained surrounded by Israeli forces and struggled to access water and electricity to carry out its operations, the organization said. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)