(Photo: PIC)
(Photo: PIC)

Gaza, 18 Rabiul Awal 1437/31 December 2015 (MINA) – Attempts to prevent families of slain Palestinians from carrying out postmortem autopsy aim at acquitting the Israeli occupation from crimes committed against the Palestinians, political bureau member of Hamas, Ezzet Resheq, said Wednesday.

“Most of the Palestinians slain by the Israeli occupation army were killed in cold-blood,” Resheq said. “Only autopsy would corroborate such facts and criminalize the real murderers.” The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Resheq called on the Palestinian Authority to never yield in to Israeli conditions for handing over the bodies of slain Palestinians to their families.

The Hamas leader further pushed for documenting the Israeli crimes against Palestinian anti-occupation youth and impeaching the criminals.

Over recent days, a number of Palestinian families refused to succumb to Israeli conditions to bury their slain sons and daughters without carrying out postmortem autopsy.

The families of the killed Palestinians face tough conditions set by the Israeli occupation in return for the bodies of their dead sons and daughters, which some have accepted while others have rejected, while the international community remains silent regarding this inhumane Israeli practice.

One condition set by the Israeli authorities is that families receive the bodies and bury them during the night, which prevents the family from conducting an independent autopsy to figure out the cause of death.

In many cases, Palestinian families are also forced to sign a number of documents written in the Hebrew language, which they do not understand.

Some few days earlier, the al-Jazeera Net news site quoted a number of Palestinian families as reporting that the bodies of their killed sons and daughters were too frozen for immediate autopsy and, thus, require a long time to be dissolved. (T/P011/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)