Ahmad Imad Tazaz’a (Photo: Hebron Daily News)
West Bank, 26 Dhul hijja 1434/31 October 2013 (MINA) – Dozens of Israeli occupation soldiers invaded Qabatia town, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, shot and killed one Palestinian, and kidnapped four others.

Local sources told the Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) that Ahmad Imad Tazaz’a. 22 years of age, was shot by a live round in the heart during clashes with the invading soldiers, IMEMC reported as quoted by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).

Tazaz’a was moved to the Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin before being moved to the Khalil Suleiman Hospital due to the seriousness of his condition. He was pronounced dead approximately at six in the morning. 

Furthermore, soldiers broke into dozens of homes, and violently searched, causing property damage, and kidnapped four Palestinians. 

The four have been identified as Rasem Khzeimiyya, 58, Mo’men Saba’na, 23, Ayman Abdul-Rahman Abu Ar-Rob, 27, and Imad Shawkat zakarna.

Also on Thursday, soldiers invaded the Al-‘Eesawiyya town, in occupied East Jerusalem, and kidnapped seven Palestinian youths. 

Soldiers also invaded Bethlehem, and kidnapped two Palestinians; one in the city and one in the Deheisha refugee camp.

Dozens of Israeli occupation soldiers and its police officers also invaded the Al-Eesawiyya town, in occupied East Jerusalem, and kidnapped seven Palestinian youths. Two more Palestinians were kidnapped in Bethlehem.

     Local sources have reported that soldiers and police officer invaded Al-Adawiyya before violently breaking into and searching dozens of homes, causing excessive property damage, and kidnapped seven young Palestinians.

    The seven have been identified as Ibrahim Abu Sneina, 16, Majd Abu Sneina, Anwar Obeid, 16. Noureddine Obeid, 17, Ibrahim Derbas, 17, Islam Obeid, 17, and Ammar Obeid, 19.

     Furthermore, the occupation soldiers invaded Wad Shaheen area, in Bethlehem city, and kidnapped one resident identified as Yahia Hani Jadu, 27, after violently breaking into his home and searching it.

     Dozens of soldiers further invaded the Deheisha refugee camp, south of the city, and kidnapped one resident identified as Mo’tasem Abdul-Qader, 19, after breaking into his home.

     Local sources in the camp have reported that dozens of youths hurled stones at the invading soldiers who fired rubber-coated metal bullets and gas bombs.

In related news, dozens of soldiers installed a roadblock at the entrance of Ethna town, west of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, prevented the Palestinian farmers from entering their lands, and distributed leaflets ordering the residents not to enter their lands adjacent to the Annexation Wall.

    The occupation soldiers also installed roadblocks at the main entrance of Bani Neim town, east of Hebron, the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of the city, and the Halhoul Bridge, north of Hebron, stopped and searched dozens of vehicles and inspected the ID cards of the residents. (T/P03/P04)


Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)


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