Cibubur, MINA – Preacher and psychology expert, Ustaz Agus Sudarmaji said, the Isra’ Mi’raj made a difference in the faith of those who are true and those who have false faith.
“Isra’ Mi’raj is a moment that makes a difference between people who truly believe in Allah and His Messenger and people whose faith is fake,” said Agus in his speech at the Tabligh Akbar Commemorating Isra’ Mi’raj at the Silaturahim Mosque Cibubur on Saturday.
Agus invites that during this Isra’ Mi’raj moment, let’s strengthen the love and affection in the family.
“A best wife is one who is most devoted to her husband, and the best husband in Islam is the best and loves his wife,” he said.
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The Tabligh Akbar event was organized by Radio Silaturahim (RASIL) in collaboration with the DKM of the Silaturahim Mosque, in commemoration of Isra’ Mi’raj 1444 H.
The Tabligh Akbar took the theme “Prayer as a Pillar of Life”, presenting several speakers namely; Ustaz Agus Sudarmaji, Ustaz Salman Al-Farisi, Ustaz Hamzah Alatas, and Ustaz Husein Alatas.
The event was attended by Rasil listeners from various areas around Jabodetabek. The program is also broadcast live via Rasil TV live streaming which can be accessed via Youtube and (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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