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Indonesian Youngest Hafiz Obtained 3rd Place on Egypt International Quranic Competition

Rana Setiawan - Friday, 15 April 2016 - 05:57 WIB

Friday, 15 April 2016 - 05:57 WIB

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(KBRI Kairo)

Cairo, 6 Rajab 1437/14 April 2016 (MINA) – Musa La Ode Abu Hanafi (7 years and 10 month old), a native of Bangka Island, has winning 3rd place in the International Quranic Competition in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Musa is the youngest competitor participated in the category of Hifz Al-Quran (Quranic Recitation) of 30 juz for children, while the other participants were older than 10 years old, according to a realese of the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo.

His presence in the competition has caught the attention of one journalist of the Middle East News Agency (MENA) to interview Musa and his father, one day  after their arrival in Sharm El-Sheikh. The interview has been printed in some Egyptian media, under the title: Indonesia Participated in the International Quranic Competition in Sharm El Sheikh by Sending the Youngest Participant.

During the competition, Musa has to answer 6 questions which perfectly answered by him. His composure and his fluency in recite the Holy Quran has moved the Grand Jury, Sheikh Helmy Gamal, the Vice Chairman of  the Egyptian Quraa Union and some audience and made them burst into tears.

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The admiration for the young hafiz not only showed by the jury and audience, but also from other competitors. After his recital, audience swarmed around him to take selfies and kissing his head as a means of appreciation in the Arabic culture. It didn’t apply to other children participant. Although Musa only won the third place but he has winning the heart of the jury and the audience.

At the closing ceremony, the Minister of Endowment Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mochtar Gomaa, specifically adress Musa and his father, Mr. Abu Hanafi. On that occasion, the Minister on behalf of the Egyptian Government invites Musa and Mr. Abu Hanafi to the commemoration of the Lailatul Qadarduring the Ramadhan month.

According to Minister Gomaa, the President of Egypt himself will give commendation to Musa. The Minister expressed his amazement to Musa, the youngest participant from non-Arabic country who not even speak Arabic but perfectly recited the Quran.

The Musabaqah Hifzil Quran (Quranic Recitation Competition) was held by the Ministry of Endowment Affairs of Egypt from 10 -14 April 2016. The total participant of the competition are 80 people from 60 different countries including Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Morocco, Chad, Algeria, Mauritania, Yemen, Bahrain, Nigeria, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, Ukraine and Indonesia.

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Musa was the only participant from Indonesia, sent by the Ministry of the Religious Affairs of Indonesia.

Lauti Nia Sutedja, the Coordinator of Media and Socio Cultural Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo said that the young Indonesian delegation, Musa, has succeeded in boost the love of other nations to Indonesia. Many participants called Musa as a miracle.

We already have a complete recital of Musa during the competition and will upload it through our official page in Facebook and YouTube so that everybody in Indonesia can watch his miraculous performance.”

Meri Binsar Simorangkir, Charge d’Affairs A.I. of the Indonesian Embassy stated his admiration to Musa, who through Quran can glorify Indonesia. The Embassy is very supportive in Musa’s endeavor in achieving his accomplishment in the competition, since he is carrying the name of Indonesia.(T/R05/R03)

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Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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