Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian President Joko Widodo ordered his staff to build food storages in a number of districts in Puncak Jaya, Central Papua to overcome hunger caused by prolonged drought in the region.
“For the short term, it will build food stock warehouses in two places, namely in Agandugume and in Sinak,” said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy in a press statement after attending a limited meeting with President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta on Thursday.
At least three districts have been affected by prolonged drought since June 2023, namely Agandugume District, Lambewi District, and Oneri District.
Muhadjir said, the delivery of food ingredients to Agandugame so far has often been hampered due to the weather and its geographical location, which is 9,000 meters high.
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“Not all pilots have a certificate to be able to land there. Because of that, while the options are aside, there are those who are sent directly to Agandugume, but there are those who stop at Sinak,” he added.
In addition, in the medium term, the government will soon extend the runway at Sinak Airport so that wider body aircraft, such as Hercules planes, can land.
“If later the Hercules plane can land in Sinak, later it will not only be food that can be transported, but also materials for infrastructure development, especially for roads,” said Muhadjir.
Logistics distribution to Sinak, added Muhadjir, can also be carried out via Jayapura and Wamena so as to reduce transportation costs.
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Muhadjir said that currently the road infrastructure from Sinak to Agandugume was inadequate, making it difficult for the distribution of aid. Therefore, in the long run the government will also build a road connecting the two districts.
“Earlier, we received directions from the President, the road would go through Jayapura-Wamena. Wamena will then arrive at Sinak and will pass through several districts, including the district of the Capital City of Puncak Jaya, namely the Mulia District until later to Sinak, then from Sinak to Agandugume the land will also be built,” he said.
Muhadjir said the President had ordered the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to handle road infrastructure development and the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) to handle the revitalization of Sinak Airport.
“The Minister of PUPR has also received an assignment from Mr [President] and there is already a plan for it indeed from the Minister of PUPR, it’s just a matter of speeding it up. Meanwhile, the Minister of Transportation will be responsible for the airport,” said Muhadjir.
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Muhadjir said, in the long term the government will also promote food security in Central Papua, including through the application of appropriate technology. The application of this technology is also expected to increase the added value of agricultural commodities in Papua.
“Indeed, the people of the mountains, the people of Central Papua and Highlands Papua, in fact, the main ingredient is tubers, which yesterday because of the weather caused them to rot, which then became a problem. Therefore, if later it is given a touch of appropriate technology, we hope he can stock it, so that later he can build his own food security, we only prepare the infrastructure, for example warehouses, “he concluded. (T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)