Indonesian FM, Indian FM Discuss Statements of BJP Politicians Insulting Prophet

Photo: Doc Indonesian Foreign Ministry

New Delhi, MINA – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi conveyed specifically to Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar about the concern and criticism of the statements of two BJP politicians who insulted the Prophet Muhammad.

“I conveyed specifically to the Indian Foreign Minister… regarding my concern and criticism of the statements of two BJP politicians who insulted the Prophet Muhammad,” Retno said in a virtual press after the meeting in New Delhi, India on Friday night.

In response, continued Retno, the Indian Foreign Minister said that the statements of the two politicians did not reflect the position of the BJP party and did not reflect the position of the government at all.

“India’s foreign minister explained that the two politicians have been dismissed from their posts and have been suspended from the party,” said Retno.

Furthermore, said Retno, the Indian Foreign Minister explained in more detail the statements issued by the BJP, including: the BJP respects all religions. BJP strongly rejects insults to religion.

BJP also strongly opposes ideologies that insult or demean certain religions.

In addition, Foreign Minister Retno also reiterated what was conveyed at the ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers meeting, regarding the importance of continuing to develop a culture of tolerance and mutual respect.

“Only by respecting differences…including religious differences…can friendship and cooperation continue to be strengthened,” said Retno.

In this context, said Retno, the two countries agreed to resume the Indonesia-India Interfaith Dialogue (IIID) program which was held in 2018. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)