Jakarta, MINA – Indonesia’s Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) is ready to transfer the funding for the Hajj pilgrims in 2022 to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Head of BPKH Anggito Abimanyu said the government had prepared all hajj financing in the form of Saudi Riyal, rupiah as well as in the form of living costs to the form of bank notes.
“For this reason, we are ready to transfer these funds to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through hotel, catering and transportation services, through the Ministry of Religion,” Anggito said in his press conference after a limited meeting with President Joko Widodo regarding preparations for the 1443 Hijri / 2022 pilgrimage on Tuesday.
Anggito said the required hajj costs were around IDR 81.7 million per pilgrim or a total of IDR 7.5 trillion, which had been prepared by the government.
“Hajj pilgrims pay around 39.9 million per pilgrim. So it is in accordance with what is determined by government policy and approved by the DPR,” said Anggito.
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Meanwhile, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas ensured that the Hajj travel costs (Bipih) paid by prospective pilgrims were not greater than the Hajj Organizing Costs (BPIH). According to him, subsidies for the cost of the pilgrims will be borne by the government.
Yaqut at the same time denied the rumors that had been circulating so far if the government used the hajj funds for various purposes.
“It is not true that there is a hoax that says that the government uses the Hajj funds for this purpose and that it includes the need to build IKN, that is absolutely not true,” said Yaqut.
“What exists is that through BPKH, the government provides subsidies for pilgrims so that the large costs that must be incurred by pilgrims to get to the Holy Land can be lighter for pilgrims,” he said. (T/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)