Hamas Criticises Palestinian Pm For Not Visiting Gaza (Photo : MEMO)
Hamas Criticises Palestinian PM For Not Visiting Gaza. (Photo : MEMO)

Gaza, 13 Dzulqa’dah 1435/8 September 2014 (MINA) –The Palestinian Islamic Movement Hamas described on Sunday the Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah’s remarks that he did not visit Gaza because he received threats as “unacceptable”.

Hamas Spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri said: “The refusal of Hamdallah to visit the Gaza Strip based on claimed threats is an unacceptable positon.” He added: “The Ministry of Interior and all the police forces are under his order to afford security for him and his people.”

Abu-Zuhri called for Hamdallah to visit the Strip and “bear the responsibility” for its people. He asked him to stop creating “excuses”, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Hamdallah has claimed that he received threats regarding the issue of Gaza employees.

The Palestinian unity government has the responsibility to solve the issue of the employees in Gaza, who were recruited between July 2007, when Hamas swept Fatah from Gaza, and April 2014, when both sides reached a reconciliation agreement.

In June, the reconciliation was tested when Fatah did not pay civil servants hired by the Hamas administration, but did pay those affiliated with Fatah who had lost their jobs after Hamas gained control of the Gaza Strip. (T/P002/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)