Hamas Calls For Supporting Prisoners’ Strike

Photo: PIC

Gaza, 27 Rajab 1438/24 April 2017 (MINA) – The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, confirmed on Sunday its support for the hunger-striking prisoners in Israeli jails until their fair demands are fulfilled, the Palestinian Information Center reported.

Hamas spokesman, Abdullatif al-Qanou’, called in a press statement on all Palestinian people to stand for the prisoners’ issue and support them by all means to achieve their legitimate demands which are guaranteed by the humanitarian international law.

Qanou’ asked the international human rights organizations to shoulder their responsibilities toward the Palestinian prisoners and work to end their suffering and stop the Israeli violations against them including the solitary confinement policy, the medical negligence, and all repressive measures perpetrated against them.(T/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)