Hamas Calls for Friday of Anger in Support of Striking Prisoners

Photo: PIC

West Bank, 28 Sha’ban 1438/25 May 2017 (MINA) – Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, in the West Bank called on Palestinians to participate in clashes at different Israeli military barriers and flashpoints next Friday which marks the 40th day of the open hunger strike waged by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

In a press statement on Wednesday, Hamas announced next Friday as a day of anger and called for taking to the streets in support of the hunger striking detainees who are experiencing a very critical stage, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported.
It also aims at defending al-Aqsa Mosque which is subjected to Israeli ceaseless violations and settlers’ repeated incursions, the statement added.

Hamas urged the Palestinian people, Arabs and Muslims to take urgent actions in order to pressure Israeli authorities to solve the issue of the hunger strikers.(T/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)