Jakarta, 23 Safar 1438/23 November 2016 (MINA) – The Habibie Center, in partnership with Indonesian Services Dialogue Council (ISD) and the Indonesian Youth Entrepreneur Association (HIPMI), held a Business Dialogue Forum on “Open for Business: Seizing Trade and Investment Opportunities in ASEAN” in Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, November 23, 2016.
The Communication Officer of The Habibie Center Mila Oktaviani said, the Business Forum, which attracts the participation of businesses from ASEAN and the Netherlands, aim to familiarize economic actors within and beyond ASEAN, especially those from the Netherlands and Indonesia, regarding business opportunities and constraints deriving from the full implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
“It’s also to provide a networking platform for business from ASEAN and the Netherlands and contribute to the potential expansion of trade and invesment both within and beyond ASEAN,” said Mila.
This Business Dialogue Forum features an opening remark from Dr. Ing Ilham Akbar Habibie, MBA ( Chairman of the Institute for Democracy through Science and Technology, The Habibie Center), and a keynote speech from Mr. Tim Cordon (ING Asia Chief Economist).
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The AEC, the most ambitious economic integration project of southeast Asia, was officially launched at the end of 2015. Despite almost a year of its implementation, a large section of business community remains unaware of this regional commercial pact.
Moreover, despite ASEAN’s achievements in the area of economic integration, much can still be done to further expand trade and invesment in the ASEAN region.
In addition to policies to facilitate trade and investment, ASEAN and its member states could, for instance, carry out more aggresive campaign and outreach initiatives to attract private sector from within and beyond the region to conduct business sector – both from within or outside of ASEAN – more familiar with AEC and able to tap into its potentialsbis both timely and necessary.
The business meeting also featuring Mr. Anangga W. Rosdioni (Chairman of Indonesia ASEAN Business Advisory Council), Mr. Glenn Pardede (Managing Director, PT East West Seed Indonesia), Dr Lilj Yan Ing (Senior Advisor on Trade and Investment, President’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia), Dr. Donna Gultom (Director of ASEAN Cooperation, Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia), Mr. Noke Kiroyan (Board of Founders, ISD), Mr. Bagas Adadhirga (Head of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, HIPMI), and moderated by Ms. Florence Armein (Head of Jakarta Globe News Channel). (L/R05/R04)
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Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)
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